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Opening Hours:
(By Appointment Only)

9:00am – 5:00pm

9:00am – 5:00pm

9:00am – 5:00pm

9:00am – 5:00pm

9:00am – 5:00pm

By appointment only









Our efforts for your comfort and well being does not end with your dental treatment.

Golden Age Dentistry Welcomes you:


Our dentist and staff are highly skilled, caring, and dedicated to serving seniors. Golden Age Dentistry is a private clinic and accepts cash, check, and debit card as a form of payment, no insurance.

Our Services:
  • Routine Cleanings

  • Dentures/Partial Dentures

  • Implant Dentures

  • Root Canal/Endodontic Treatment

  • Fillings/Crowns/Bridges

  • Gum Treatment & Much more!

New Patient?


Are You Tired of Wearing Dentures? Try Dental Implants

Dental implants are an ideal solution for anyone that is tired of dentures and ready to change their life. While most people do not consider the impact that tooth loss will have, teeth play an essential role in the ability to enjoy life without restrictions. Teeth make it possible to speak clearly, smile with confidence and eat all of your favorite foods. Replacing damaged teeth is crucial for the quality of life. However, the way that you replace the teeth also matters.

We offer an implant special here at our office, call and ask us about it.



For anyone who wants replacement teeth that look like natural teeth, implants are the solution. To create new teeth, we will need to make an impression of the patient’s teeth. We will also take measurements and the shading of the teeth using a shade card.

We will send this information to the lab to create dental crowns (new teeth) that look completely natural and blend in with the patient’s surrounding ones. The results are so spectacular that even the patient will have a difficult time telling the difference between the natural teeth and implants.



For replacement teeth that function as well as natural teeth, patients need dental implants. The reason that replacement teeth have the same functionality as natural teeth are that we surgically place the implants. In this procedure, we implant a titanium post under the gums and secure it to the jawbone. Titanium is a metal that the body treats like natural matter. Over a few months, the implant and jawbone will fuse together through the process of osseointegration.

As a result, the implant will be as secure and sturdy as a natural tooth. Simultaneously, the implant will provide the jawbone with much-needed stimulation to prevent resorption. When it comes to quality of life, this process allows the patient to bite into a crunchy green apple, chew a big steak, and eat a favorite trail mix without worrying about the teeth.



Dental implants improve one’s oral health since the implant can work to stop or slow the process of resorption. The jawbone will not lose as much density after tooth loss, which is important for preserving the stability of the other teeth and appearance.



Taking care of implants is as easy as taking care of one’s natural teeth. All one needs to do is brush and floss like normal. Use a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, floss daily and visit our Highlands Ranch office for ongoing dental care to keep the teeth and implants in good condition. It is that easy.

COVID-19: The Importance of Dental Health During Disease Outbreak


Many patients may not realize that dental health directly affects the immune system’s response. Everyone comes in contact with both viruses and bacteria that stress the body’s natural defense systems. When the body is healthy, these viruses often resolve in a few days. However, if the defenses are weak, a viral attack can prevent the system from fighting off the sickness. Read on to learn how dental health relates to the immune system.



The immune system and a patient’s overall well-being are closely linked. When there is a problem with one, the other is often affected. For example, many times early signs of medical issues can be detected in the mouth. The dentist can then refer the patient to a primary care provider.



Many people who have poor oral hygiene also have health issues. Studies have shown that oral cancer and Alzheimer’s are more likely for these individuals. It is believed that inflammation is the cause of this. When a patient has an allergy or cold, there are effects in the mouth.

A simple cold can deplete the immune system. This means that the bacteria in the patient’s mouth can damage the oral structures. A dentist can see gum pocketing near the teeth and increased inflammation. Under normal conditions, the body can easily cope with the bacteria.

The body will send its defense mechanisms to fight off an illness. For example, when a patient has bleeding or deep pockets, the body sends the immune system to fight the bacteria. To fight an infection, even early gum disease, a patient needs many white blood cells. When an illness such as COVID-19 occurs, the body does not have as many resources left.



The good news is that by supporting oral health, patients can avoid issues such as infections in the mouth. That will leave the immune system free to fight more harmful organisms. The more resources each person has, the less a virus or bacteria will affect the patient. For this reason, older people often have a higher mortality rate.

The immune system of an elderly person is often run-down or depleted. Their body does not provide the kind of defense that a younger person’s body does. For people of all ages, however, the immune system can be boosted by natural methods. This includes staying hydrated, eating nutritious foods and exercise. Avoiding infections by caring for the teeth is also vital.



We are open during this Pandemic, we are taking extra measures to protect our patients and staff. No matter what your dental health is like, it is never too late to start taking care of it. Give us a call at (951) 353-9824 to schedule your nest appointment.

We are open during this Pandemic.

In order to keep our patients and staff safe during these times we are limiting the amount of patients in the office. We are checking patients for fever and symptoms and asking that patients and any guest accompanying. Patients must wear mask unless they are in the operatory room with the doctor. Guest must wear mask in the waiting room at all times while in the building.

Golden Age Dentistry 3903 Tyler Street. Riverside, CA 92503

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